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Electropathy is a new fifth medical system in India. Its medicines are purely herbal oriented (essences from medicinal plants only), non toxic,and non alcoholic, harmless with no side effects besides begin cheap and affordable for all people.

Electropathy invented by count cesar mattei. The invention of electropathy was based on his pet dog which is suffered from scrofulous ulcer. The painful dog had wounds all over the body and had digestive disorder. It rolled on grass in the garden. It ate some medicinal herbs and vomiting the material. Then the dog was healed gradually. From that Dr.mattei Got an Idea that plants can cure the disease of human body by applying the medicine both internal and external.Dr.mattei first plant use in scrophularia nodosa for preparation of first medicine in his new system of medicine also he buld a laboratory for the preparation of medicine.

During his lifetime mattei give the name is Electromeopathy which is called as electrohomeopathy or electropathy or electro complex homeopathy or spagyric homeopathy which are same.

"Greater the severity of the disease, the smaller should be the dose"

Electrohomoeopathy Pharmacy:

Law of Dosology

"Electrohomoeopathy is a medical science of treating the constitution of the person. it is based upon the concept of three elements salt sulphur and mercury which is found in our body and whose imbalances leads to the "Vitiation of Blood and Lymph". To restore this imbalances, spagyric vegetable essence is provided to the sick person. The line of treatment is followed by mean of constitutional remedy, followed by the organic remedy which often followed by the palliative remedy. The diagnose done by mean of IRIS study."

There are four phases/conditions of the tissues. 1.Acute 2.Sub Acute 3.Chronic 4.Degenerative

And there is the rule given by the Mattei to select dose as per the following: "Greater the severity of the disease, the smaller should be the dose". "The More dilute the remedy, the more often it must be taken". In the language of mathematics we can say dose is inversely proportional to the severity of the diseases (i.e Acute –Subacute-Chronic-Degenerative)

It is, frequently, proper to give several remedies to the patient; they must not be mixed, nor given at the same time, but alternated by giving, one part of the day, one of the other part of the day. Tubercles of lungs, for instance, require the use of anti- cancerous and pectorals; if there is a spitting of blood, a third remedy is added, chosen from the anti-angiotics.

The homoeopaths seek the remedy after the symptoms and form that the malady assumes, and say: for dropsy such a remedy ; for convulsions, such another remedy .This is not the method of electro-homoeopathy; for, the same forms of disease may arise from various causes. Thus , convulsions occasioned by worms, could not be treated by a remedy which rectifies the circulation and vice versa. Every dropsy should not be cured by one and the same remedy; that ,which cures dropsy of the belly, would not be suitable to dropsy of the heart or of the ovaries. But , in each of these cases, the remedy must be used, which has an elective action on the viscera become the seat of the effusion. The action which each remedy, applied to the exterior on the economy, is the same with a degree of difference, as the action of the same remedy, taken internally; a congestion of the liver, for example, will be more quickly subdued ,if an external treatment is added to the internal, either by compresess or unctions of the same remedy,as given internally. For the same reason, a diminished blood vessel or an aneurism, will be more promptly relived, if compresses or unctions are applied to the affected part, during the internal treatment.

Happy Patients

"Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does."